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Version: 2.7.0

Setting up Endpoints without Ingress


Before setting up endpoint without Ingress make sure the Litmus ChaosCenter is installed in either one of these scopes

With NodePort​

To setup and login to Litmus Portal expand the available services just created and copy the PORT of the litmusportal-frontend-service service

kubectl get svc -n <LITMUS_PORTAL_NAMESPACE>
Expected Output
NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
chaos-litmus-portal-mongo ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 2m
litmusportal-frontend-service NodePort <none> 9091:30385/TCP 2m
litmusportal-server-service NodePort <none> 9002:32456/TCP,9003:31160/TCP 2m

Note: In this case, the PORT for litmusportal-frontend-service is 30385. Yours will be different.

With LoadBalancer​

To setup and login to Litmus Portal with LoadBalancer, patch the Frontend Service litmusportal-frontend-service and expose the External IP.

kubectl patch svc litmusportal-frontend-service -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}' -n <LITMUS_PORTAL_NAMESPACE>
Expected Output
NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
chaos-litmus-portal-mongo ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 2m
litmusportal-frontend-service NodePort <none> 9091:30385/TCP 2m
litmusportal-server-service NodePort <none> 9002:32456/TCP,9003:31160/TCP 2m

Accessing the ChaosCenter​

Once you have the PORT copied in your clipboard, simply use your IP and PORT in this manner <IP>:<PORT> to access the Litmus ChaosCenter.

For example:

Where is my NodeIP and 30385 is the frontend service PORT. If using a LoadBalancer, the only change would be to provide a <LoadBalancerIP>:<PORT>

You should be able to see the Login Page of Litmus ChaosCenter. The default credentials are

Username: admin
Password: litmus

By default you are assigned with a default project with Owner permissions.

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