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Version: 2.10.0

Create Chaos Workflows using Litmusctl

Usage: Litmusctl v0.10.0


  • For litmusctl v0.10.0 or latest
  • Compatible with Litmus 2.9.0 or latest

litmusctl Syntax​

litmusctl has a syntax to use as follows:

litmusctl [command] [TYPE] [flags]
  • Command: refers to what you do want to perform (create, get and config)
  • Type: refers to the feature type you are performing a command against (agent, project etc.)
  • Flags: It takes some additional information for resource operations. For example, --installation-mode allows you to specify an installation mode.

Litmusctl is using the .litmusconfig config file to manage multiple accounts

  1. If the --config flag is set, then only the given file is loaded. The flag may only be set once and no merging takes place.
  2. Otherwise, the ${HOME}/.litmusconfig file is used, and no merging takes place.

Steps to create a Chaos Workflow​

  • To setup an account with litmusctl
litmusctl config set-account --endpoint="" --username="" --password=""
  • To create a Chaos Workflow by passing a manifest file


    • To get project-id, apply litmusctl get projects
    • To get agent-id, apply litmusctl get agents --project-id=""
litmusctl create workflow -f custom-chaos-workflow.yml --project-id="" --agent-id=""

Verify the new Chaos Workflow​

To verify the successful creation, you can either view the list of chaos workflows at the ChaosCenter dashboard or run the below given command to list the chaos workflow within a given project.

litmusctl get workflows --project-id=""


WORKFLOW ID                          WORKFLOW NAME                    WORKFLOW TYPE     NEXT SCHEDULE AGENT ID                             AGENT NAME LAST UPDATED BY
9433b48c-4ab7-4544-8dab-4a7237619e09 custom-chaos-workflow-1627980541 Non Cron Workflow None f9799723-29f1-454c-b830-ae8ba7ee4c30 Self-Agent admin
Showing 1 of 1 workflows

Additional commands​

  • To list all the chaos workflow runs within a project, issue the following command.
litmusctl get workflowruns --project-id=""


WORKFLOW RUN ID                      STATUS  RESILIENCY SCORE WORKFLOW ID                          WORKFLOW NAME                    TARGET AGENT LAST RUN                 EXECUTED BY
8ceb712c-1ed4-40e6-adc4-01f78d281506 Running 0.00 9433b48c-4ab7-4544-8dab-4a7237619e09 custom-chaos-workflow-1627980541 Self-Agent June 1 2022, 10:28:02 pm admin
Showing 1 of 1 workflow runs
  • To describe a particular chaos workflow, issue the following command.
litmusctl describe workflow 9433b48c-4ab7-4544-8dab-4a7237619e09 --project-id=""


kind: Workflow
creationTimestamp: null
cluster_id: f9799723-29f1-454c-b830-ae8ba7ee4c30
subject: custom-chaos-workflow_litmus
workflow_id: 9433b48c-4ab7-4544-8dab-4a7237619e09 f9799723-29f1-454c-b830-ae8ba7ee4c30
name: custom-chaos-workflow-1627980541
namespace: litmus
  • To delete a particular chaos workflow, issue the following command.
litmusctl delete workflow df91c6b2-ad33-45ae-9a2f-00cb87978657 --project-id=""


🚀 ChaosWorkflow successfully deleted.

For more information related to flags, Use litmusctl --help.

Learn More​